My name is my very own batch of icing whipped up especially for me by my mom. My name is the most unique and intriguing icing that I have ever heard of. It has a very special flavour that just lingers on your tongue after you have taken even the smallest taste. My name has the basic ingredients; German, Old French, Latin and Polish. Those ingredients are the small things that give off such an engaging flavour that keeps people asking for more.
The history behind my name is basically that my name came from Angelica, which came from the Latin word Angelicus which means angelic. The root word is angel which came from the Old French word Angele and that word means, messenger of God, which is basically what an angel. The spelling is German and the pronunciation is Polish.
You might be thinking that I have an excessively complicated name but I actually don’t. My name is actually very simple. It’s the origins that are complicated. But that is just my first name now for my middle name.
My middle name is Nicolette. The history behind this name is that m name is the feminine version of Nicholas which means victorious one. The name Nicholas comes from the Greek word Nikholaos which means victory.
My last name must be the most complicated one of all my names. When you look at it you think ‘how can a name this easy be so complicated’. Well here’s how. My last name is of Indian origin. It means graceful. I don’t really know what the origin is and neither does my dad but what I do know is that it is very complicated because it is strongly linked to the Indian Gods and I did some research by asking the people around me and they said if it is linked to the Gods in India, the origin of the name is strongly complicated.
I love all of my names, because they are all mixed into that batter that creates a zesty taste that keeps you satisfied and wanting more. Before, I gave you the HISTORY of my name and now here is the story of all my names.
When my mom was in college, her best friend had a sister whose name was Angelika. My mom was obsessed with that name from the moment she heard it. Of course she had heard of Angelica, but never, in her life had she heard a name as spunky as Angelika. My mom vowed that when she had her first child, that would be her name. But then when she was pregnant, she had a hard time because I was very small and very premature. After she had me, the doctor asked what she was going to name me and without a moment’s hesitation she blurted out a name that danced around the doctor’s head in little circles. Before it was a just name that my mom liked. Now it was a name that meant something to my mother and me. I was her angel through her pregnancy. I was her shining light in a room of darkness. I was her trophy at the end of a marathon. I was her motivation. I was a message sent to her from God and that is what she believed.
My middle name is just because I was born on Saint Nicholas day. And since Nicolette was the female version of Nicholas, my mom said why not. Well that is what she told me but I do believe that there is another reason to that. My middle name means victorious and in a way I was. When I was born, the doctors said I was too premature and that they have very little faith that I would survive. For them it was easy. For me it was different. For me it was a battle. It was as if I was Bart Simpson and I was fighting the battle of doing homework. I was losing my battle and I was slowly beginning to do my homework, in other words, I was dying. But for some reason I pulled through. I won that battle and in the end, homework was diminished and I was victorious. And that is where my middle name comes from, a battle of a boy and homework.
My last name, I don’t know too much about. The only thing I know is that it means graceful and it is from India. Very boring but I also know that it is related to the Gods of India.
So just like a cupcake, my name is made up of some very different ingredients that fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. With a very unique taste, my name is my very own, handmade, cupcake. Mmmmmmmmmm..... delicious