A great example of myths with supreme beings are basically all of them because in those days, men did not believe that they had the power to create such beauty themselves. They used Gods, or supreme,beings, as an explanation to all of the creations on earth and as an explanation about man themselves. Many tribes believed that gods were created to be worshipped. In many myths, it states that the less the Gods were worshipped, the less power they had. Many tribes also used the Gods as a discipline. In ancient Greece, when children misbehaved, their parents would threaten them by saying that Medusa would come for them. In other parts of Greece, parents would say that zeus would come down from the heavens and punish you himself. Almost every myth in the world is based on a supreme being. As a matter of fact, I don't know a single myth that is not based on a supreme being.
A majority of myths say that our univerese began with darkness and that the Supreme Beings brought us light and food and water. A very common myth that starts with darkness is the Phan Ku myth. Though this myth starts with an egg, the egg was in darkness. Another myth that started in darkness was the Maori myth. Out of the darkness, there usually comes light. This light is created by the Supreme Being that the tribe belives in and is usually the most important Supreme Being.
Sacrifice is a huge part of creation myths. Sacrifice can come in the smallest form. Whether it is giving up you food for the week or taking your own life, people would do ANYTHING for their Gods. A myths that have a lot of sacrifice are usually the Egyptian ones. In every Egyptian myth, there is always some form of sacrifice. You might not notice it at first but it is there. People believed that if you made sacrifices to the Gods, they would protect you from anything bad or evil. In some myths there are sometimes heroes or heroines who sacrifice their lives for others. People believed that the only reason a God would love you is if you give them something that you treasure.
Creation myths are very a like however at the same time very different. Myths are always changing and there are many different forms of myths. Myths are used to explain the unexplainable. For many of the Ancients, myths were their life.